
WEBINAR: RAMSIS 3D Manikin & Ergonomics Simulation



Learn the Ideal Approach to Designing a Driver鈥檚 Workspace using RAMSIS 3D CAD Manikins


Join us for 大象影院 and Human Solutions RAMSIS Live Webinar



Designing the operator’s workspace should ensure optimal and safe performance while preventing discomfort, fatigue, and potential injuries. Human Solutions developed the RAMSIS Digital Human Modeling (DHM) software with this objective in mind.

RAMSIS is the world鈥檚 leading 3D CAD manikin. It realistically simulates vehicle occupants and analyzes the ergonomics of interiors, allowing you to ensure a high level of product maturity and save on physical prototypes during the early development of your products on the CAD model.

In this webinar, Human Solutions showcases the ideal approach to driver’s workspace design with RAMSIS. It begins by utilizing 3D CAD manikins representing specific populations, like North America. These 3D manikins serve as the basis for designing the best seating positions, control placements, visibility, and safety. This proactive approach reduces surprises in later development stages, allowing for potential design enhancements to improve operator comfort and accommodation.